
Article 1. Name and Object
Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the Libertarian Party of Escambia County hereinafter
referred to as the LPEC.
Section 2. The object and purpose of the LPEC is to engage in political action in Escambia County of the
State of Florida with the intent to foster the growth of the LPEC, to serve as an affiliate organization of
the Libertarian Party of Florida in state politics, and to serve the Libertarian Party in national politics.
Section 3. The purpose of the LPEC is to implement and give voice to the principles embodied in the
Statement of Principles currently adopted by the LPEC by:
Supporting candidates for national office, supporting candidates for state and congressional district
offices, and nominating as well as supporting candidates.for iocal office.
Promoting student Libertarian clubs at appropriate educational institutions.
Entering into political informational activities, including the promoting and securing of party

Article 2. Membership
Section 1. LPEC membership is open to whomever signs the pledge: “I hereby certify that | do not
believe in or advocate the initiation of force as a means to achieve political or social goals.”, known as
the Non-Aggression Principle.
Section 2. LPEC members must be a registered LPF voter in Escambia County.
Section 3. Matters pertaining to membership rights and privileges shall be prescribed in the Standing

Article 3. Officers and Executive Committee
Section 1. The officers of the LPEC shall be a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson, a Secretary, and a
Treasurer. The duties and election of the Officers shall be specified in the Bylaws.
Section 2. The Executive Committee shall be comprised of the Officers and Committee Chairs.
Section 3. The powers of the Officers and Committee Chairs shall be prescribed in the Bylaws and
Standing Rules.
Section 4. The powers of the Executive Committee shall be prescribed in the Bylaws and Standing Rules.

Article 4. Meetings
Section 1. The LPEC shall hold monthly Executive Committee meetings.
Section 2. The LPEC shall hold a Semi-Annual Business Meeting at least two times a year to be scheduled
by vote of the Executive Committee. Every reasonable means will be used to notify the general
membership 15 calendar days in advance of the Semi-Annual Business Meeting date.Section 3. The conduct of the business and meetings shall be prescribed by the Bylaws and Standing

Article 5. Ratification
Section 1. The Constitution of the Libertarian Party is hereby ratified.
Section 2. The Bylaws of the Libertarian Party are hereby ratified.
Section 3. The Statement of Principles of the Libertarian Party is hereby ratified.
Section 4. The Constitution of the Libertarian Party of Florida is hereby ratified.
Section 5. The Bylaws of the Libertarian Party of Florida are hereby ratified.

Article 6. Adoption and Amendments
Section 1. This Constitution shall be adopted when approved by a simple majority of the members of the
May 2018 meeting.
Section 2. Amendments to the Constitution may be made by the General membership as prescribed in
the Bylaws.