Standing Rules

Article 1. Membership
Section 1. Any individual who is registered to vote as a Libertarian in Escambia County and has signed
the Non-Aggression Principle has the privilege of voting in the annual elections, the right of appointment
to committees, the right to attend committee meetings or be an observer or witness to the right of
nomination to the office for which they are qualified by law.
Section 2. Membership shall be reviewed annually through the voting list of the Supervisor of Elections
for Escambia County. This membership shall be credential for all meetings and elections of the LPEC.

Article 2. Fees and Donations
Section 1. Donations should be made to the LPEC in keeping with the laws governing donations to
political parties and candidates. Such funds shall be expended at the discretion of the Executive

Article 3. Election of Officers, Nomination of Candidates.
Section 1. All candidates for any Executive Committee office or political office will be asked to confirm
libertarian principles before nomination and support by the LPEC Executive Committee. Candidates
must have qualifications according to the law for the office they seek. A majority vote of the Executive
Committee is necessary to endorse a candidate for public office.
Section 2. All candidates nominated must be able to serve if elected.
Article 4. Executive Committee Meetings
Section 1. The Executive Committee shall meet at such time and place as directed by the Chairperson,
or at written request of one-third of the Executive Committee. A minimum of 24-hour notice shall be
given in such manner to insure a quorum.
Section 2. The Executive Committee may without meeting, conduct business by communication, voting
on questions put to them by or with the approval of the Chairperson. Such vote shall be kept by the
Secretary until the next meeting and then such vote shall be incorporated in the minutes. A majority
vote of the Committee shall prevail. If an affirmative majority vote of more than one-half the members
is not given within thirty days (30) the question will have failed.
Section 3. The recitement of the pledge of allegiance to the United States shall be voluntarily offered
immediately following the call to order.

Article 5. Spokesperson
Section 1. Persons speaking for the LPEC shall have the express approval of the Executive Committee, or
reserve their comments to personal comments.

Article 6. Annual Election Meeting Agenda
Section 1. The Executive Committee shall manage LPEC election meetings.Section 2. Any members may request the Executive Committee to include on the agenda any item.
Such requests shail be made in writing to the Chairperson prior to seven days of the election meeting.
Section 3. The agenda must include all items required by the Bylaws and the Standing Rules.

Article 7. Annual Election Date
Section 1. The annual election date shall be within the first calendar quarter of each year as determined
by the Executive Committee. Under no circumstances will the annual election date be extended past
the first quarter. Every reasonable means will be used to notify the General membership 15 days in
advance of the annual election date.
Section 2. Special elections of the LPEC may be called by the Executive Committee whenever necessary
and appropriate.

Article 8. Endorsement of Political Candidates
Section 1. Endorsees for political office must be members of the LPEC, the LPF, and the LP.
Section 2. The LPEC may endorse and support political candidates who are registered Libertarian but
are unable to run as a Libertarian due to state regulations if they run as candidates with No Political
Affiliation (NPA). Due to the compromising nature of financial support and the adoption of political
party titles other than Libertarian, the endorsement of political candidates from other political parties is
not permitted. A majority vote of the Executive Committee shall be required.

Article 9. Amendments to the Standing Rules
Section 1. Adoption of the Standing Rules will be consistent with the Constitution.Section 2. General
Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, 11th Edition shall be the Parliamentary authority for all matters
not covered by the Constitution, Bylaws and Standing Rules.
Section 3. Finance and Accounting
The fiscal year of the LPEC is the calendar year.
The Treasurer shall be the chief financial officer.
The Executive Committee shall cause an efficient system of accounting and budgeting to be installed and
maintained, including audit and legal necessities. All expenditures exceeding $25 shall be made by
The Executive Committee shall have the power to delegate power in the handling of funds.
Cash donations to the LPEC will be accepted only if two officers of the Executive Committee, either
Executive Committee Officers or specific fundraising appointees, are present to make a record of the
transaction and provide receipt.

Article 10. Adoption and Amendments
Section 1. Adoption of the Bylaws shall be consistent with the adoption of the Constitution.
Section 2. Amendments to the Constitution may be made by a written, 30-day prior notice of any Semi-
Annual Business Meeting and is approved by a three-fourths vote of the quorum, proxy, and absentee
votes cast in accordance with established rules.
Section 3. Amendments to the Bylaws may be made by a proposal from the floor of any Semi-Annual
Business Meeting and is approved by a two-thirds vote of the quorum, proxy, and absentee votes cast in
accordance with established rules. The proposal must be made in writing.
Section 4. No change in the rules of the Executive Committee may have the effect of imposing a head
tax on the membership.
Section 5. No change in the rules by the Executive Committee shall have the effect of disenfranchising a
Section 6. No change in the rules shall deny the autonomy of the individual member, except as provided
in the Constitution and By-Laws.