5/20/2023 Meeting Agenda

The Libertarian Party of Escambia County, FL

Agenda for the meeting of May 20th, 2023

  1. Call to order
  2. Reading and approval of previous meeting’s minutes
  3. Reports of officers, boards and standing committees
    1. Chair’s report
    2. Vice Chair’s report
    3. Secretary’s report
      • Redbubble Sales
      • Donations Report
      • Email list signups/unsubscribes
      • Web site visitation
    4. Treasurer’s report
      • Expenses
      • Income
      • Balance
  4. Reports from special committees
  5. Unfinished business
    1. Secretary: Donation processor
    2. Treasurer: Float insurance
    3. Secretary: Doc’s Hop Shop event
  6. New business
    1. Topics raised by officers, boards and standing committees
      • Chair: Lewis Bear potential donation
      • Secretary: Redbubble profit margin
    2. Scheduled topics raised by attendees*
    3. Unscheduled topics raised by attendees
  7. Announcements
  8. Adjournment

*To have a topic scheduled for discussion, please contact secretary@lpescambia.org at least 5 days before the meeting date to have your topic added to the agenda.